The President of the Iberia Parish School Board shall appoint all committees not otherwise provided for.  However, the Board President may, when possible, use existing committee assignments until such time that he/she designates new standing committee memberships.  The President shall have the authority to determine the size of each committee and shall name the members.  He/she shall also appoint one member of each committee to serve as its chairman.  The President of the Board shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and shall have the same rights as other committee members, but is not obligated to attend committee meetings, nor is he/she counted in determining a quorum.  The Superintendent shall serve each committee as its secretary.


All meetings of committees shall be advertised according to state law, and shall be open to the public, with the exception that closed sessions may be held for purposes as provided for in state law and Board policy.


All members of the Board may attend the meetings of any committee and take part in discussion.  Only members appointed to the committee may vote in any committee meeting.


A majority of the committee membership shall constitute a quorum for purposes of making recommendations or taking any action that has been previously authorized.  In the absence of a quorum, the committee chairman may designate another Board member present to sit on the committee temporarily for the purpose of making a quorum.  The member serving a temporary appointment shall also be entitled to vote on matters considered by the committee.  No more than one non-committee member may be appointed by the committee chairman in order to formulate a quorum.


Committee meetings shall be held at the direction of the Board or upon the request of the Board President, or the committee chairman.  Prior notice of the time of such meeting shall be given.  Meetings shall be held at the School Board office unless notification to the contrary is made.




Committees shall have deliberative and recommending powers only, unless the Board by formal action grants the committee the right and responsibility to act on a specified matter.  A committee shall consider only those items referred to it by formal Board action, by the President of the Board, or by the Superintendent.  Discussions concerning matters relative to the committee’s area of responsibility may be held if deemed appropriate by the committee chairman, but may not be submitted to the Board for consideration except as an agenda item separate from the committee report.




Committees shall report their recommendations to the Board through a report on the committee meeting.  The Board shall hold a separate vote on each recommendation made by the committee.  The minutes of the committee meeting shall be appended to the minutes of the School Board meeting at which the report was heard and shall become part of the official record of the Board, but need not be published.




Ad hoc committees may be appointed by the President of the Board for specific assignments.  Such committees shall be subject to the same rules as standing committees and will dissolve once the report is submitted to the Board.



Ref:     La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:55, 17:81


Iberia Parish School Board