Cf:  JD





No student shall have in his/her possession any personal electronic device while in any elementary or secondary school building, or on the grounds thereof, or in any school bus used to transport public school students to and from school.


Devices discovered in the possession of students shall be confiscated.  Refusal to relinquish a device constitutes willful disobedience and shall be handled accordingly.  The school shall not be responsible for confiscated items.  The School Board shall not be responsible for any electronic devices lost or damaged while on School Board property.


A properly authorized medical device worn by a student shall not be considered to be in violation of this policy.




First Offense


  1. Device is confiscated and parent is notified.

  2. Parent or parent’s designee signs for device and consequence notification sheet.

  3. Device returned to parent or parent’s designee (other than student) within 24 hours.


Second Offense


  1. Device is confiscated and parent is notified.

  2. Student is assigned to the adjustment center for three (3) days.  (See note below)

  3. Parent signs for device and consequence notification sheet.

  4. Device is returned to the parent or parent’s designee (other than student) within 24 hours.


Third Offense


  1. Device is confiscated and parent is notified.

  2. Student is assigned to ISSP (Bank St. location) for three (3) days.  (See note below)

  3. Parent signs for device and consequence notification sheet.

  4. Device is returned to the parent parent’s designee (other than student) within 24 hours.


Fourth Offense


  1. Device is confiscated and will be returned to the parent at the expulsion hearing.
  2. Student is assigned to ISSP for five (5) days and recommended for expulsion hearing.
  3. Parent is notified.


NOTE:     On campuses without adjustment centers, the student shall attend detention or other school based disciplinary action.


Revised:  August 3, 2016

Revised:  February 20, 2019



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:239, 17:416, 17:416.1

Board minutes, 7-04, 5-06, 8-3-16, 2-20-19


Iberia Parish School Board